February, 2019

  • 8 February

    George F. Kennan: Godfather of the Vermont Independence Movement

    George F. Kennan: Godfather of the Vermont Independence Movement

    With the publication of John Lewis Gaddis’s new book George F. Kennan:  An American Life(Penguin Press, 2011), the name of the former dean of the American diplomatic corps is once again on the national radar screen.  When George F. Kennan died on March 17, 2005, at the age of 101, few …

  • 8 February

    Radical Nonviolence and the Power of Powerlessness

    Radical Nonviolence and the Power of Powerlessness

    Human killing is an act of nihilism. Violence begets more violence, not the other way around. By whose authority other than the law of the jungle do those who kill or sanction killing set themselves up as a prosecutor, judge, and executioner? War is the ultimate form of having—owning, possessing, …

  • 8 February

    10 Most Expensive Watch Brands for the Ladies

    Most Expensive Watch Brands for the Ladies

    Most expensive watch brands tend to have some rather astronomical prices. As with other jewelry and status symbols, watches are not only accessories but an investment as well, especially when they are made from valuable materials and bear diamonds and precious stones in them. For women, they are as important …

  • 8 February

    Top 14 Best Wedding Suit for Men

    Top 14 Best Wedding Suit for Men

    Best wedding suit for men depends on many factors. You should always show respect for the host and the venue, that is for sure. When it comes to photos, you should look respectable and not be the odd one out later on in the wedding album. Thankfully, through the magic …

  • 8 February

    Women Prefer Men with Beards, Just a Myth?

    Women Prefer Men with Beards, Just a Myth?

    Women prefer men with beards in modern society more and more as years go on. Bears have always been a symbol of a strong man and masculinity. It is therefore normal for women to find guys with beards more attractive because it shows they are a “true man”, to put …

  • 7 February

    Top 15 Scariest Travel Destinations in the World

    Scariest Travel Destinations in the World

    Scariest travel destinations are not on everyone’s bucket list. However, there is no doubt that each person who loves traveling has to visit at least a couple of places from this list. Read on to learn about these places. Scariest Travel Destinations on Earth Paris Catacombs The capital of France …

  • 7 February

    10 Travel Destinations for Solo Females

    Travel Destinations for Solo Females

    Traveling alone as a woman is quite a unique experience of finding out exactly who you are in an all-new environment, without anybody you know bothering you. It may sound scary to some, but the good news is that there are plenty of destinations for solo females where you will …

  • 7 February

    20 Portable Tech Gadgets – Great for Everyday Use

    Portable Tech Gadgets

    Portable tech gadgets and all electronics are getting smaller and smaller each year, and people generally have their own special go-to devices that they use each day and carry around. Smartphones are something everyone has, but here we will talk about some new, nifty and convenient tech.  

  • 7 February

    10 Weird Facts about Technology That Are True?

    10 Weird Facts about Technology That Are True?

    Facts about technology, like most other facts, may sound too weird to be true. Our list deals with exactly those. Read on to learn about ten strange facts about technology! Weird facts about technology that are actually true Changing fonts can save you some printer ink Different fonts require different …

  • 6 February

    Top 21 Weirdest Royals in History

    What Do You Know about the Weirdest Royals in History?

    When one thinks of royalty, famous and great kings and beautiful princesses come to mind first. Their lavish castles and fortresses, huge wealth and big armies come next, and perhaps even their territories. However, history is full of weird royals. What do we mean by weird royals? Everything is included …

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