
5 Famous American Artists and Their Paintings

Art exists in almost every part of the world. Art is what makes the world go round, and art changes as every year go by. Painters are people that gain a lot of amazing reputation and value in society. They are appreciated for their ability to make people feel good …

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The Most Known Artistic Styles In Painting

Painting, in some form, first appeared in the Paleolithic, 30,000 years BC. It is an art that seeks to express ideas, emotions and personal perceptions with certain aesthetic qualities. Throughout its history, painting art has taken various forms. That was depending on the use of different materials and techniques. Over …

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The History of Writing since Ancient Times to the Modern Age

History of Writing

Let’s come back to the ancient times before the evolution of human beings known as Homo habilis who were primarily hunters and gathers. Their only source of food was hunting and gathering. Therefore, there were no pizza delivery guys or McDonald’s company with fast food. What to say? There was …

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A Unique Way to Honor Princess Diana’s Memory

personalized number plates

The memory of the late Diana, Princess of Wales is alive and well. As one of history’s most beloved women and arguably one of the most popular members of the royal family, Princess Diana remains a household name all over the world. Her beauty and popularity made her recognizable, but …

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Top 21 Weirdest Royals in History

What Do You Know about the Weirdest Royals in History?

When one thinks of royalty, famous and great kings and beautiful princesses come to mind first. Their lavish castles and fortresses, huge wealth and big armies come next, and perhaps even their territories. However, history is full of weird royals. What do we mean by weird royals? Everything is included …

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Top 9 Bizarre Objects That Henry VIII Owned?

What Was in the Collection of Bizarre Objects That Henry VIII Owned?

When you are a monarch of a powerful country, you have an immense wealth at your disposal. In addition, your representatives and troops venture into the unknown parts of the world as part of diplomatic missions and war campaigns. These things present a great way to form a personal collection …

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These Seven Moments in History Sound Made up, but Are True

These Seven Moments in History Sound Made up, but Are True

Moments in history vary in many factors. Some are famous and iconic, some just happened and are not worth mentioning. A third group sounds like it was made up. Here, we will go over a few of these, the moments of history that sound too strange to be true. Ancient …

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