Drying your hair is never a simple task, especially when it is too long. You may think that drying it with a blow dryer is very easy, and all that you need to do is to grab the blow dryer, point it and blast with heat. But this is not so, and you actually need years of practice to dry it perfectly with a blow dryer. However, the professional usually has a huge practice, and they know all the right tricks for drying the natural hair. Many people use blow dryers for natural hair, but most of them use it wrongly. That is the reason why it is always recommended to know those tricks which help you to dry it quickly. Hence, in this article, we have come up with three common mistakes that people usually do for drying it naturally. You can check sites such as hairinsights.com and check some of the best blow dryers.
The following are some common mistakes that you should be aware of so that you do not repeat it:
1. Start drying the hair while it is too wet

The most common mistake that people usually do is quickly dry your hair immediately after washing it. If you do so, then you must stop doing it rather, you should arrange it with your finger first and then wrap the towel around your head. Keep the towel wrapped on your head, and in the meantime, you can do your makeup so that the towel can soak the water. Once the water soaks up the water, you will be able to dry it faster. Actually, what happens is that when it remains wet, it reduces the exposure of heat on the head, and this puts huge stress on it. That is the reason why it is always recommended to leave it on the towel for about 30 minutes. Generally, it is observed that a cotton-based towel produces friction on it, and hence it is more prone to damage. Wrapping it with a cotton-based towel may also be the main reason for its breakage. Thus it is always better to use a microfiber towel. If it is not possible to use a microfiber towel, you can also use an old and clean t-shirt. You should always remember that it remains in the most vulnerable state when it is wet and so never use blow dryer when it is too wet.
2. Using a wrong blow dryer

Another biggest mistake that people use to do while drying the hair is using the wrong product. It may be of various types, such as long, short, thick, and fine. Different types of hair have different requirements, and depending on the texture and look, you need to use the types of a blow dryer. For example, if you have fine hair, then you have to use a light blow dryer while you can use a thick blow dryer for thick and long hair. Thus you must not forget to purchase a high-quality blow dryer, especially if you have long and thick hair, and you often need to use the blow dryer for drying it since it may get damaged if you use a cheap blow dryer. Again it is seen that the expensive blow dryer comes up with a lot of options and smart features such as high power, multiple heat settings, cool shot, ionic air technology, etc. blow dryer with ionic air technology actually helps to break down the water molecules faster and it makes it dry faster. The less time you will keep it under heat, the more control you will have over the temperature and the healthier it will be. Again it is very important to use the right brush along with the blow dryer since it plays a crucial part in drying it. Brushes can be various types such as skeleton brush, round brush, paddle brush, etc. Skeleton brush can add the volume at the hairline, whereas a round brush can produce volume while paddle brush is perfect for fine and mid-length hair. So you should take care of all these factors before purchasing the blow dryer.
3. Not dividing the hair into section

Another biggest blunder that people use to do is not dividing it into sections. You should never blow drying blindly as it is not the best strategy for an outstanding styling result. You need to divide it into sections, and then you have to blow it dry one by one. You can part off the section of the hair at the crown, back of the head as well as side, and then temporarily pin the strands back with the help of clips. This will make it easier to control it, and you will be able to concentrate on one section after another. Once you divide it into the section, you need to spray heat protectant on the backside of your head. You may have used the right product, i.e., blow dryer from the branded company, and it may have lasted longer, but most importantly, you have to apply the blow dryer correctly. You may apply the heat according to your requirements. For example, some people like to use the serum for frizzy hair while others use a thickening spray for volume. Moreover, some people just use to spray at the top of it rather than spraying the heat all around the head. Hence it is always advisable to part the hair, create some sections, and work the product from mid-shaft to the ends. You can either comb it or just use your finger to make the section.

Making such kinds of common mistakes are natural, and many people use to do it while using a blow dryer for drying their wet hair. But after reading this article, you have now become aware of the common mistakes that people usually do, and hence you will never repeat the same mistake again at the time of drying your hair. If you can avoid these common mistakes, you will be able to get your desired result even without the necessity of any extra heat.