In the past few years, the world has gone through a pandemic, and to this day, we are still struggling with it. These are especially difficult for offices, because they are gathering places for people. As a precaution, it is important that you COVID-proof your office as efficiently as possible. Here are some tips on how to -proof your office.

Conduct Temperature Checks
As a rule, it is important that your office implements temperature checks on all your employees. Remember that the very first indication of COVID-19 is a high temperature. As a rule, you should have your guards check everyone’s temperature.
The normal temperature is around the 35 to 36 mark. If an employee has a temperature that reaches around 37 then you should have him or her rest a bit before having another temperature check.
However, if the employee still gets a high temperature, then you are obligated to send the employee home. It might seem like a harsh rule to implement, however, you should remember that a moment’s carelessness could get your whole office infected.
Keep Tabs On COVID-19 Development
While the COVID-19 pandemic has been around for more than a year, it is still a very unpredictable enemy. Vaccines have been invented, and mass produced. However new variants have begun to spread and it is very dangerous to be careless nowadays. As a precaution, it is important that you keep tabs on any new developments in the fight against COVID-19. This will arm you with the means to protect yourself, and your coworkers from the variants.

Have Your Office Workers Wear Face Masks
While vaccines have been doled out, and they have been known to help prevent severe symptoms, they are still not capable of totally eradicating the virus. This means that an unwary individual could still spread it around the office. As a precaution, you and your employees should be obligated to wear masks around the office.
Some of your office workers might complain about this setup. Which is understandable because face masks are uncomfortable to wear for long periods of time. However, they are still your first line of defense against the spread of the virus.
Have Everyone Understand The Situation
One of the biggest challenges of combating COVID-19 is a lack of unity. Remember that we are all affected by the virus. It is a dangerous time, and we all need to pull together in order to get through these trying times.
As a rule you should brief all your employees about the daily protocols. If there are any new protocols, it is also imperative to introduce these protocols to your employees. Remember that all it takes is one breach,and you might have to close your office for weeks and be submitted to quarantine, so everyone of your employees must be on board with your safety protocols.

Mental Health Is Key
One of the most common yet unrecognized effects of the COVID-19 pandemic is on mental health. Ever since the pandemic reared its ugly head last year, mental health issues have skyrocketed.
There is a sense of uncertainty in the air. If you want your office to run at full efficiency, it is a good idea to keep an eye on everyone’s mental health. Remember that people handle stress differently.
Some can talk about their fears openly, while some would rather keep it balled up. In order to make your office as conducive to work and progress as possible, it is important that you promote a transparent and supportive atmosphere. It is also a good idea to promote a more positive outlook in your office. Remember that the whole world is going through a crisis, so we should all be in this together.
Utilize Air Purifiers
If you want to rid your office of contaminants, itbis a good idea to invest in air purifiers. These machines are meant to purify the air around a specific area. They are also meant to filter the air for any contamination or pathogens. Air filter uses molecular sieves to absorb particles in the air. They then separate the particles from the air, and release fresh air. As a precaution, it is a good idea that you invest in Jalonzeolite molecular sieves as well. They are an integral part of air purifiers.
Aside from getting molecular sieves, it is also a good idea to buy flexible plastic packaging as containers for hand sanitizers. Remember that you will need large amounts of sanitizers at all times. However, it could be a bit pricey to hang hand sanitizers on the walls.
It would save you more money if you just bought hand sanitizing liquid in bulk, and put them in reusable containers. The company creates some of the most varied designs for plastic containers. Just give them your specific designs, and they will make the containers for you.

Follow Health Protocols
At the start of the Pandemic, organizations such as WHO and the CDC have made health protocols for every situation. These health protocols are meant to be followed within the house and the office. As a rule, your office manager should keep tabs on these protocols and follow them accordingly. These protocols change as time passes, so it is imperative that the office stays up to date with these protocols.
If it is possible, you should have your janitorial staff clean your office on a regular basis. When they clean the surfaces, they should wear PPE gear, such as gloves, face shields, and surgical aprons. All these precautions may seem work intensive, however, it is better to be safe than sorry during these times.
If you are going to COVID-proof your office, it is important that you have a set plan. With these tips, you’ll be able to COVID-proof your office in the most effective way possible.