
The Surprising Health Benefits of Axe Throwing

It may seem a little strange: this new, fad sport is generally considered more of a parlor game, more of an extreme party activity than a health trend. People go axe throwing for bachelor parties and birthdays, after all – not to shed a few pounds. And yet, despite its …

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Obesity – The Greatest Epidemic Of The 21st Century!

It has been long discussed the effects of obesity on children and adults in the 21st century. But there is also a clear reason as to why it is called the greatest epidemic of the 21st century. The problem is that out of the entire human population, nearly 2.1 billion …

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What is Safe Donor Area for Hair Transplantation

The concept of the safe donor area is largely attributed to Toronto Dermatologist Dr. Walter Unger. It is a hypothesis that was conceived decades ago which many have forgotten or deliberately ignored. It is also wishful thinking by even those that have adopted these guidelines. Many in the hair surgery …

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Tips For Women Finding The Right Shampoo For Hair Thickening Purposes

Living with thinning hair that is slowly falling out is a major hassle for many women. Whether it is a genetic condition, a result of stress or poor conditioning technique, there is a pathway to facilitating healthy luscious growth that is not artificially manufactured. The use of a shampoo is …

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Choose Bouldern as a Hobby

If you have found that you have some extra time during your day for a hobby, but you are not sure what you should start, you should consider rock climbing. If you want to start building strength and keep fit, rock climbing has prover to have a lot of health …

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8 Must-Have Super Foods for Your Weight Loss Plan

Weight loss is not something that happens overnight. It is a battle that needs consistency and sheer determination on the doer’s part. When we talk about weight loss, it is not only about shedding those extra pounds but rather making significant adjustments to deal with the factors at play in …

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Tinnitus and noise-induced hearing loss in Dentists

Every day, thousands to dentists and dental hygienists are working around the clock to make sure that they can take care of their patients. From whirring drills to tooth files, there are a lot of devices that are used in a dentist’s office that not only produce many decibels or …

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Ongoing trends in cosmetic packaging industry

The importance of cosmetic packaging The cosmetic industry is huge and it’s growing. From makeup to skin and hair products, new brands are emerging daily and so competition is getting fiercer. It’s important for both existing and new brands alike to constantly come up with something new and intriguing. It …

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How To Be An Amazing Working Mum? Read On

Gone are the days of ‘stay-at-home’ moms. According to Pew Research, “working” mothers are growing in number. In fact, more and more women with a young child serve as their family’s primary and sole “breadwinner.” The Center for American Progress noted that women comprise half of the labor force, with …

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Sleep Position And Sleep Depravity

The more we became interested in investigating the present-day chronic illnesses and investing in better performance, we started to realize the importance of the things we, maybe, took for granted. Humans have always been doing certain things and following their biological imperatives, such as eating, sleeping, moving and exercising, which …

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