home security

Unquestionable Tips On How to Improve Security in Your Premises

If your home is secure, your mind will be at peace. A secure home will guarantee you the safety of your loved ones and, your property. Here are ten unquestionable tips on how to improve your premises’ security;

Use Surveillance Cameras


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A surveillance camera will automatically revamp your premises security. You can buy two or more surveillance cameras and place them in both the indoor and outdoor areas of your home.

Advanced home surveillance cameras will capture the photos of all persons who attempt to break into your home. Even if you are away from home, a surveillance camera will notify you of all the ongoings in your house with the help of a mobile app.

You should install these cameras in hidden positions. If you put them in conspicuous positions, intruders will spot them easily and spoil them before taking away your valuables.

Install a Home Security System

Using a home security system is the best way to fortify your house. In fact, a security system will go to the best lengths possible to keep your house safe.

There are various issues which you should think of before purchasing a security system.  These include the cost, mode of installation and whether it is DIY or professionally monitored. You should buy a security system which does not stretch your finances. Also, depending on the mode of installation, make sure you purchase a security system which will suit your needs.

If you possess an existing home security system, you should always inspect it from time to time to see whether it is working properly. Having a faulty home security system is a very grievous mistake which can result to life-threatening consequences. If you find that your security system is faulty, you should replace it with a new one.

Replacing a damaged security system with a new one is very simple. This is because many security companies offer a guarantee plan which you can always utilize.

Make A Show That You Are Around

Even if you have traveled far away, you should pretend to be around. As explained by South Burnett Times, when criminals know that you are not present in your home, they will definitely attempt to steal your valuables.

For instance; you can always ask a neighbor to be driving in or out of your home at designated times. Or you may buy a smart lighting system which will enable you to put your bulbs on timers. Or perhaps you may leave your home theatre system on if you will be away for a short period.

However, if you are traveling for a long vacation; you cannot effectively make a show that you are around. What you need to do is to agree with a caretaker who will temporarily reside in your home. You will also need to enter into a contract with a local handyman who will be cleaning your outdoor areas at designated days. Also, you should not let your mail to pile up.

Replace Your Front Door

If your front door is weak and wooden, you should replace it with a robust metallic one. While replacing your front door can seem to be too costly; it is one of the best ways to enhance your premises’ security.

A strong front door will intimidate thieves and burglars from breaking into your house. Typically, to force open a metallic door will take a long time. Criminals like breaking into your house for the shortest time possible. If they see a metallic front door, they will not make even the slightest attempt to compel it to open.

Remove All the Potential Hiding Spots in Your Outdoor Areas


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Most people do not realize that a bushy shrub or an overgrown flower is a potential hiding spot for a criminal. Therefore, to revamp the security of your premises, you should always strive to remove all the potential hiding spots in your outdoor areas.

You should always maintain your lawns. Your plants and flowers should be kept neat and well-trimmed regularly.

Avoid Storing Valuables in Your Garage

As asserted by Family Handy Man, the only valuable item which you should store in your garage is your car. Other valuable items should be kept inside your house.

When criminals access your home, the area in which they are likely to enter first is your garage. Typically, a garage is the most accessible and easily available area of each and every home.

Therefore, you should avoid storing your valuables in the garage at all costs. If you must store them in the garage, you should then purchase a safe. This safe will keep them away from the eyes of potential thieves.


You must follow these tips so that your home will be more secure. With the alarming crime rates in our society today, enhancing your home security is mandatory.

About Michael Smith

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