
3 Tech-Savvy Ways to Streamline Your Restaurant Operations

Owning a restaurant can be daunting and filled with many challenges. Besides good food, guests also expect exceptional customer service, a comfortable and pleasing atmosphere, as well as added conveniences such as the ability to book reservations online. It can be hard to keep up with the demands of customers, …

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The When, What and How of the Social media

No business can ignore social media, not in today’s world. Social media have become more than just a way to reconnect with old high school buddies or your old drama teacher. For businesses, social media is now a way to connect with current customers and attract new ones, to promote …

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4 effective ways to use Instagram for PR

Running a business takes a lot of patience and hard work to be successful. However, when anyone starts any type of business, they hope they never have to deal with an upset customer who is planning to tell everyone they know about their poor experience about the company. With that …

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Should you invest in building an email list? 

Email marketing is very much still in. Even though it may seem archaic and forgotten, it isn’t. Many businesses still use email marketing for one simple reason – it’s effective. People love and trust their inboxes and that isn’t going to change any time soon. Yes, we’ve switched a lot …

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How To Be An Amazing Working Mum? Read On

Gone are the days of ‘stay-at-home’ moms. According to Pew Research, “working” mothers are growing in number. In fact, more and more women with a young child serve as their family’s primary and sole “breadwinner.” The Center for American Progress noted that women comprise half of the labor force, with …

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Eight Benefits of a Document Scanner for a Paper-Intensive Business

If your business is still relying on paperwork, you are in a worse situation if you compare with your digital competitors. The increase in copies of documents can make work overwhelming for employees and the process frustrating for customers and clients. Thankfully, by scanning important documents and storing them on …

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What makes Credit Card Company interested in getting more customers?

Credit cards are very enticing; at the same time, they could be misleading too if you do not handle with care. They lure you with their many offers, thus sometimes making you go bankrupt. You get to hear from people complaining that smart card companies take advantage and make quite …

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5 Vital Things to Do for a Class Presentation

Introduction Reports and presentations are already part of the everyday life of a student. However, being in front and doing all the talks might be nerve-wracking to some students who prefer the pen-and-paper type of test. Not everyone has the guts to do presentations that are well-pleasing to the teacher …

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Crude Oil Continues to Surprise Consumers

Oil prices look to be making bullish progress in a real way, with markets grinding through historical resistance in the early part of this year. That trend seems to be continuing today, with prices closing at 58.60 for the weekly session. WTI crude is up 28.49% year-to-date. US crude oil …

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A guide to finding your next Internship in Asia

Why should you do an internship in Asia? Well, for starters, Asia is the fastest-growing economic region in the world. They also have a rising number of internship opportunities and you are guaranteed to find something that interests you no matter what field you’re aiming at. Numerous businesses are well …

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