Renovating your home is a huge undertaking, but it can be very satisfying and enjoyable. Not only that, but you could increase the value of your home at the same time. Your needs and requirements change throughout your lifetime, and it’s important your home reflects this and provides you with what you need. Whether that be a contemporary minimalist space for clear thinking, or a traditional period home full of charm and character, is entirely up to you. We’re going to run through 5 top tips for making renovations fun and enjoyable, rather than something to be feared and endlessly postponed.
1. Focus on 1 Room at a Time

To save you from taking on more than you can handle, it’s well worth tackling your renovation one room at a time. This helps break up your project into manageable tasks and saves you from becoming overwhelmed by all the things that need to be done. Take time to consider what color scheme you want throughout the house and stick to it. This will ensure consistent color harmony throughout your home. It’s easy to get carried away when choosing on the spot – the end result can be quite different from what you intended.
2. Out with the Old!

Once you’ve decided how you want things to look, start by stripping out everything that needs replacing. Get rid of any old carpets, wallpaper, light fittings, kitchen and bathroom furnishings, window frames, partition walls anything you want to replace. Repair any damaged walls and repaint any woodwork such as doors, skirting boards, and architraves. This will leave you with a blank canvas to work with. Studies have shown that some of the biggest factors people consider when renovating a bathroom/kitchen areas, external façade, and landscaping.
3. In with the New!

Once everything you don’t want is stripped out, seek out trusted suppliers when buying new furnishings. Focus your budget on the rooms that are important to you. Spending a little more in key areas such as kitchens and bathrooms is always a good idea. Modern and functional fixtures add an extra level of luxury to your property and will increase its value. Don’t be tempted to always go for the cheapest option as it may not be the most economical route over time.
4. Update the Exterior

If the exterior of your home is outdated and lacking in character, one of the simplest of solutions is to add attractive cladding. This can really boost your homes visual appeal and increase its energy efficiency and value. With many low-maintenance solutions available, speak to specialist suppliers of composite cladding and weatherboard systems. supply a wide range of cladding which can really enhance your property’s kerb appeal.
5. Get your Garden into Shape

Landscaping is often overlooked when renovating your home because it’s time-consuming and weather dependent. However, simply by removing ugly weeds, replacing patchy lawn and cutting back overgrown foliage, you can make a daunting task into a quick transformation. Climbing plants can also be utilized to hide any unsightly walls or features which would require too much work to remove.