Hypoglycemia or commonly called low blood sugar is very common amongst people suffering from diabetes and may happen even when one is cautiously managing the situation.
Erin Palinski-Wade, RD, CDE, and author of 2 Day Diabetes Diet says, “Hypoglycemia happens when the amount of blood glucose (sugar in the blood) drops to a level that’s too low to sustain normal functioning. In many people, this is called a blood-sugar level less than 70 milligrams per deciliter.”
A review that got published in the journal PLoS One in June 2015 traced that amongst diabetics with type 2 diabetes, this is, even more, a common happening. People with type 2 diabetes had 19 mild attacks of hypoglycemia every year on an average and average of about 1 major attack for the same period. Low blood sugar was particularly common among those taking insulin.
This reduction in sugar levels of blood can lead to both short period complications, such as dizziness and confusion besides more grave and long run complications. If left uncured it could result in coma and consequently lead to death.
To avert hypoglycemia and the risky side effects of it, it is important to monitor the glucose levels and cure low blood sugar the minute you know about it.
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Heed to these general signs and symptoms of lowering blood sugar levels to ensure you are in the safe zone.
1. Ravenous Hunger:

The extreme and continuous feeling of high hunger pranks despite consuming bellyful is one common sign. The person feels starved and unsatisfied even after eating to content. The body in this situation signals for more glucose which leads to eating more and more. If you go through this situation discuss with your health provider to know the exact sugar amount required by your body. A fine beginning point is the recommendation of American Diabetes Association which says to eat between 15 and 20 grams (g) of carbohydrates or sugar with every snack and between 40 and 65 g per every meal. Some of the good options consist 2 tablespoons of raisins, 4 ounces of fruit juice, or some hard candy — check the package to know how many to consume.
2. Anxiety Feeling:
When the sugar levels come down too much the body conveys to the adrenal glands to produce the hormone called epinephrine (even known as adrenaline), which conveys to the liver to produce more glucose.
The surplus epinephrine causes an “adrenaline rush“, that can lead to anxiety.
3. Impatient Nights:

Nocturnal hypoglycemia that is pretty common may lead to a varied number of sleep disturbances. Palinski-Wade says, “Symptoms include night sweats, nightmares, episodes of waking suddenly and crying out, and feelings of unrest and confusion upon waking. A snack before bed can reduce the frequency and severity of sleep disturbances.”
4. Tremors & Shakes:
The central nervous system begins to function abnormally when sugar levels go imbalanced. As a consequence, it secretes catecholamines-the chemicals which encourage the production of glucose. The same chemicals even create these symptoms.
5. Unstable Emotions:

Sudden mood swings and emotional episodes that are not identical to normal behaviour are amongst the neurological signs of hypoglycemia. The signs also include unreasonable outbursts, accidental or hysterical crying, unmanageable anger, and powerful longing to be left alone. Light mood changes that may not be very hard like general irritability or getting annoyed easily can even be a sign that the blood sugar could be getting down.
6. Sweating:
The sign is managed by the autonomic nervous system which is the part of the central nervous system that oversees the skin amongst other things — and is generally one amongst the first signals of hypoglycemia. The disproportionate perspiration takes place without any warning, irrespective of how cold or warm the outside temperature may be.
7. Light-headedness and Dizziness:

Lowering blood sugar level in the body can even lead to fainting, in this situation sit down or lie down as soon as possible to avoid getting injured. If you go through this common sign of hypoglycemia, hear it and seek treatment immediately as this is a very dangerous situation.
8. Wandering Thoughts:
The brain is particularly sensitive and when there is a dip in the glucose level the brain turns even more sensitive and one could experience a sense of confusion and an incapability to focus on one thing at a time.
9. Vision Troubles:

If the vision all of a sudden turns blur or you notice double images then these signs signal lessening of sugar content in the body.
10. Slurred Speech
The sugar-deprived brain might not let you notice the difference in the way you speak or sound, however, other people may easily notice this difference. To others, you could sound as if you have had a cocktail in high numbers, although you have not tasted a single ounce.
In addition to these signs low blood sugar level is also associated with irregular heart rhythm, tingling sensation around the mouth and pale skin. In most diabetics, these signs can be easily noticed. The huge majority of people with diabetes go through hypoglycemia if they are on medications or insulin however, with different degrees. But when these symptoms are very recurrent and severe then it signals a severe caution that needs some major change in medications one is taking.
When to seek a doctor’s intervention:

- You have what could be signs of hypoglycemia and still you do not have diabetes.
- You have diabetes and hypoglycemia is not responding positively to treatment. Primary treatment of hypoglycemia is consuming juice or normal soft drinks, having candy or consuming glucose tablets. If this treatment does not increase your blood sugar level and enhance your symptoms, right away contact your doctor.
Since now you know what low blood sugar level is and the associated consequences of it, be very careful when you notice these signs and symptoms, especially when you notice more than 5 of these signs recurrently. You could visit here and choose specific health-related tests to assess your risk of diabetes.At times Hypoglycemia can be seriously dangerous.