In dictionaries, you will find that the thesis is a position the prover finds necessary to instill in the audience. Or it is a statement to be proven. Inspiring audiences in this context means presenting a solid case based on the evidence obtained.
In turn, scientific theses are statements, findings, conclusions written in a concise form in scientific language, logically linked to each other and reasonably proven.
Scientific theses differ from a scientific article:
- a limited number of structural parts;
- brevity, the capacity of statements;
- lack of detailed analysis, extended justifications for something, quotes from other authors;
- small volume, about 1-2 printed pages.
Scientific theses allow:
- take part in various scientific conferences, seminars, thereby allowing you to declare yourself in the scientific community;
- draw attention to your views, achievements, to your other work (for example, when writing abstracts for a scientific article) to interest a potential reader in studying the source text, to contribute to the practical implementation of the results obtained in production, science, and other areas;
- acquire new professional achievements, which will be an advantage in employment or career promotion.

Scientific abstracts can be classified on various grounds
Depending on the purpose of writing, scientific theses can be:
- for participation in any scientific event;
- for their subsequent publication;
- for both at once (when, for example, conference proceedings are subsequently published).
By nature, scientific theses can be:
- timed to a specific event or collection topic;
- written on scientific work (scientific article, report, master’s thesis, etc.).
In terms of content, scientific abstracts are divided into:
- reporting theses to other scientific works of the author (to a scientific article, report) – reflect the essence and main results of another already completed research;
- theses-concept – set out an idea, a hypothesis for future research, that is, an unwritten work.
Abstracts for a scientific article, report, or other scientific work are published in various specialized collections, for example:
- collections on the materials of various conferences, where abstracts of conference reports and abstracts of scientific articles are printed;
- in specialized collections dedicated to any relevant topic (for example, Collection of scientific abstracts and articles “Health and education in the XXI century”).
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Rules for writing scientific abstracts
Scientific theses are independent scientific work, even if they are written based on some ready-made research (for example, a scientific article). This is a kind of quintessence from the available knowledge of the author of theses on the most pressing issues of a particular topic or from his scientific research, conveyed to the reader in the most laconic form.
The requirements for the structure of scientific theses are somewhat scattered since they are set independently by the publishing houses of the collections, where they are published, or by the organizers of the events they are to speak. However, most often, scientific theses include the following elements:
- introduction;
- the main part;
- conclusion.
Let us describe the content of each of these structural elements
Introduction. This structural part of scientific theses is most often limited to relevance. Briefly, literally in 1-3 sentences, the essence of the current situation is described, the need for solving the studied problem is substantiated.
But sometimes, it is required to include additional elements in different combinations, like the degree of development of the topic in the scientific literature:
- the authors who have studied the previously declared topic are listed, it is described what has already been done on this problem and what has not been done;
- the goal is formulated why the research was carried out (logically follows from the previous sections);
- tasks list what exactly was done to achieve the goal;
- the object says what was investigated;
- the object is also concretized (which part of the object was investigated);
- methodology: specifies what methods of the research was carried out.

All these elements should be formulated as briefly as possible. They should not be specially described.
Main part. The requirements for the main body of scientific theses are also very different. But the most common are the following:
- a sequential presentation, reflecting the main stages of the study and the results obtained;
- or only a reflection of the main reasoned conclusions and results given in a numbered list.
What to look for when drawing up abstracts for scientific works:
- do not try to reveal the entire course of the research itself and delve into its details, even if they seem significant;
- squeeze out only the main aspects from the text and describe them briefly;
- include sample data and survey forms, if necessary;
- characterize the path traveled throughout the study, formulate intermediate and primary results in order of receipt;
- focus on the conclusions, which should relate to the formulated goal and objectives.
The volume of this section is the largest, about 70-80% of the entire text. The highlighted central positions of the research carried out are stated in a simple and accessible language. Use specialized terminology in exceptional cases and minimize complex speech formulations and turns.
Requirements for the design of scientific theses
If it is planned to publish scientific abstracts, then they must be formatted properly. Design requirements for each collection have their own requirements. All of them are in the public domain, usually on the publisher’s website or directly in the collection’s publisher.
The author should find out the requirements for the design at the stage of starting the writing of scientific abstracts so that later they do not need to be “adjusted” to the required parameters. For example, somewhere, an A5-page format is required, which significantly reduces the already small volume. Somewhere it is necessary to provide a list of the sources used. Somewhere abstracts need to be written in solid text, or they should be given in a list. The requirements for margins, font size, subheadings, automatic hyphenation, etc., are even more diverse.