Peter Mo

7 Tips for Using Tiktok for Marketing Your Business Brand in 2024

If you are wondering if it is possible to promote your business on TikTok this year, then the answer is yes. But for that, you will need to understand how the platform works, which; we have already covered in the previous article. So, this segment is about the tips and …

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Why you Need to Get 4,000 Watch Hours on YouTube – 2024 Guide

Everyone nowadays has a YouTube app on their phones to watch entertaining, educational, or music videos. But do you know many people make a fortune by creating videos on YouTube instead of watching videos? Well, they are. It is all about YouTube monetization rules. If you want to make money …

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3 Ways to Build Your Own DIY TV Antenna – 2024 Guide

We can see that all modern TVs are becoming bigger and with an increased resolution. At the same time, we can see that all the parts that were pretty large back in the day, are now becoming much small, but more efficient. We can say that there are some industries …

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Running Successful Phone Case Business in 2024

It would not be wrong to call 2024 the year of marketing. Clothing, food, cosmetics, gadgets, software applications smartphone covers, tech, etc. are all marketed through online platforms reaching out to the potential and interested consumers. Despite the fact that there are so many goods being sold and marketed, not …

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What Will Cryptocurrency Market Evolution Bring

In these last couple of years, you have probably been hearing about cryptocurrencies a lot. At the time, it was supposed to be a digital currency that was about to change the world and make all paper-based currencies lose all worth, so the whole world turns to a digital type …

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How much can you earn with cryptocurrency mining

Interest in cryptocurrencies has jumped since 2015 as bitcoin started rising from 300 dollars per coin to a peak of 20,000 dollars in 2017 but then dropped to 3,500 dollars per coin in January of 2019. Other cryptocurrencies were survivors of the same surges and dips in value. More than …

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Kitchen Appliances That You Need To Have

Appliances make our lives easier both around the kitchen and across many aspects of life. They are very convenient units that save us a lot of time throughout the day; this is especially good since we have so little time anyway. But not to waste any more of your precious …

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