Tag Archives: working

Freelancing Tips for 2024

Having a freelancer job means that you will never have to work the usual nine to five hours again – and what is even better, you will be your own boss. But, even though you are or you will be your own boss, you will need to implement some strategies …

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Why Companies Need to Embrace Remote Working

We are witnessing frequent changes in trends. In the way, we do business, in shaping our organizational culture… and there is currently a trend of increasing demand for people to work from home in remote teams made up of independent workers, or so-called freelancers. Remote teams are no longer an …

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How To Be An Amazing Working Mum? Read On

Gone are the days of ‘stay-at-home’ moms. According to Pew Research, “working” mothers are growing in number. In fact, more and more women with a young child serve as their family’s primary and sole “breadwinner.” The Center for American Progress noted that women comprise half of the labor force, with …

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