The puzzle game is one of the most exciting and enjoyable game genres created in human history. One of the most well-liked puzzle game subgenres is the block game. It is ideal if you’re seeking anything to keep your mind active, keep it sharp, and prevent boredom.
The original category of video games was puzzle games. Puzzle games such as cross-number and block puzzles are becoming increasingly popular since players can now access them on their smartphones or tablets.
You must avoid several mistakes while playing a block game in order to win and boost your score. The following is a list of common mistakes beginners make while attempting to solve block puzzles. Let’s investigate them.
Trying to guess
When there is a strong belief that a particular block will lead to a solution, it may be very persuasive to place it even though there is no logical justification for it. A false assumption, however, can make it difficult to solve a block puzzle. The blunder typically doesn’t become apparent until the game is nearly over. That implies that all of the time and effort invested in the game will have been for nothing. Block games don’t require guesswork from players.
Making impromptu movements
You risk becoming unduly engrossed in the game if you attempt to arrange the falling pieces into rows and columns automatically. Unfortunately, doing so can result in you having a block that is useless or multiple empty spaces that no other block could possibly fit into.
You must carefully prepare your strategy to play your block puzzle game and get a better score. By making your plans beforehand and maintaining three blocks in front of you, you can move before the time runs out. Playing the block puzzle game and paying attention to the new set of three blocks that emerge after all of the previous set’s blocks have been appropriately placed is the best approach to doing this. You now have a fantastic chance to carefully consider your course of action and place the blocks to empty as many cells as possible.
Not giving the 3×3 square piece enough room

The 3×3 block may sometimes put a sudden stop to your game. If you don’t want your game to end too quickly, you must constantly keep this in mind while you play your block puzzle and remember to allow room for them. Always allowing for progress rather than contraction is the aim. Increase your score by clearing away cells to create a place for more blocks. You must always leave a 9-square area free for the 3×3 blocks as a consequence.
Wrapping it up
Block puzzle games are entertaining and enjoyable to play. You will feel a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment after completing the game. But if you stay away from the blunders listed above, you will succeed in the game.