Digital currencies are the next step in doing business on our planet. However much some of the people out there are unhappy with it, and for however long certain businesses refuse to partake in the revolution, cryptocurrencies are here to stay. Within the next decade, traditional money used to be even less present than today, while bitcoin, litecoin, ethereum, and others.
Until then, people serious enough about participating in this new wave of the world economy have an increasing number of opportunities. When it comes to the right places to be, there are more than a dozen cities all over the planet that act as a type of hotspots for bitcoin businesspeople. In this article, we will mention ten of the biggest hotspots. To involve yourself more with this interesting topic, visit

1. San Francisco, California, USA
As the home of the famous Silicon Valley, San Francisco and the whole Oakland Bay Area for that matter are the absolute tech capitals of the world. The headquarters of most large tech giants are located there, and the same goes for digital currencies names like Kraken and Coinbase. In San Francisco, dozens of shops and restaurants accept bitcoin as a payment method. You can even spend it at several bars and bakeries. For now, there are 19 BTMs in the city.
2. Amsterdam, Netherlands
The famous European capital is also the home of mining hardware company Bitfury. What is more, BitPay has its main offices there. Around the city, there are over 30 shops to spend your bitcoin in, including barbershops, antique shops, and bicycle rental places. There are a dozen BTMs scattered around the city for the users to withdraw and trade their cryptocurrency.

3. Vancouver, Canada
Going back to the North American continent, the bitcoin capital of Canada is without a doubt the city of Vancouver. It is actively embracing virtual currencies and is the home of QUadrigaCX. Over 20 merchants accept bitcoin as payment, and there are almost 40 BTMs. The first bitcoin ATM ever started working in Vancouver on October 29, 2003. It was located in a downtown café by the name of Waves Coffee House.
4. Tel Aviv, Israel
The financial center of the country of Israel is among the leaders for startup companies. There are about 15 shops that accept bitcoin there, as well as two operating BTMs. Israel Bitcoin Meetup Group that has over 3,800 members is located in the city too.

5. Ljubljana, Slovenia
The capital city of Slovenia is one of the most popular places in the Balkans. It is the smallest and the least populated city on this list of bitcoin hotspots, but an important hub for techies and bitcoin businesspeople. Bitstamp is a Slovenian product, and they were first located here before moving to London and Luxembourg. There are four working BTMs in Ljubljana, and over 200 shops accept bitcoin as payment, a staggering amount for a place of this scale.
6. Tampa, Florida, USA
More than 400 places of business accept bitcoin as a valid payment option in the famous Florida city. The popular tourist destination also has 45 BTMs, one of the largest concentrations per city on the planet.

7. Zurich, Switzerland
The largest Swiss city is also the country’s main financial center. As such, it should not be a surprise that around 25 businesses and shops allow bitcoin payments. The beautiful and historic city also has 10 BTMs for a population of over 420,000 citizens.
8. London, England
Hardly any positive list of cities can be complete without the capital city of the United Kingdom. A tech hub for more than 8.9 million citizens, it has north of 50 places for customers to spend their bitcoins. Londoners and tourists have over 130 BTMs to buy and trade bitcoin, an absolute world record in this section. Meetup groups for cryptocurrency fans and users are frequent occasions in London, and startup companies including Coinfloor have their HQs here.

9. New York City, USA
Similarly to London, a list of major cities cannot be imagined without NYC. Its 8.4 million people can sleep easy knowing they can spend their bitcoin at over 40 locations, and trade with it and deposit it at 14 BTMs. New York City also houses the popular Gemini exchange, a product of the famous tech giants, twin brothers Tyler and Cameron Winklevoss.
10. Buenos Aires, Argentina
The bitcoin capital of Latin America is without a doubt Buenos Aires, the capital city of Argentina. The largest city in this beautiful country offers more than a hundred shops, restaurants, and bars that accept bitcoin, and other cryptocurrencies. You can find 11 BTMs inside its borders. Although Argentina has had its fair share of debts and crises, bitcoin and digital currencies have had quite a pleasant experience.

Up and Coming Bitcoin Hotspots
The aforementioned 10 cities are among the best places to live if you do a good amount of business with bitcoin, but they are not the only places to do this. The island countries of Cyprus and Malta are welcoming more and more cryptocurrency businesses all the time, quickly establishing themselves as important virtual currency hubs.
Moreover, countries that have had economic crises in the past and a general state of uncertainty are also on the rise. These include Zimbabwe and Venezuela, among others. Soon, we can expect all the remaining capitals of the world to incorporate bitcoin into their everyday business and start opening BTMs through their neighborhoods. It should not be a surprise if you start seeing bitcoin stickers on the front doors of your favorite businesses, and weird new ATMs sprouting about!
If you are serious about bitcoin and want to invest and trade with cryptocurrency, these ten cities are the absolute safest bets. In case you move to any of them, you have far greater chances of making it big in the digital currency business. Cryptocurrencies are the future, and that much is clearer each new day. These ten hotspots are the current capitals of that future and they can only become bigger and more important down the line.