Tag Archives: Green Mountain State

A Short History of the Grateful Dead in The Green Mountain State

You will be forgiven for not immediately connecting a San Francisco jam band that seemed to define ‘hippiedom’ with New England, but the Grateful Dead’s unique take on American history certainly lines up nicely with Vermont’s place within it. Their classic studio albums ‘Workingman’s Dead’ and ‘American Beauty’ are poignant …

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5 Things to Do When Visiting Vermont

As one of the country’s greenest and most picturesque states, Vermont offers a ton of things to do. From all sorts of outdoor adventure and cultural attractions to fantastic craft brew scenes and mouth-watering eats, there’s something for everyone in this beautiful part of the U.S. Below are some of …

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What Do You Know about Vermont?

Vermont is the second largest USA state in New England, located on the northeastern coast. The largest city in it is Burlington. During the spring, it gets a bit chilly and rainy, summers are mild, while winters can get quite cold and snowy. Vermont is a very popular destination for …

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